Thursday, October 06, 2005

Too Stupid

A new BBC poll out this week has revealed who the general public would like to lead a fantasy world government. The top ten were as follows:

Nelson Mandela
Bill Clinton
The Dalai Lama
Noam Chomsky
Alan Greenspan
Bill Gates
Steve Jobs
Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Richard Branson
George Soros

Now, call me cynical but that's a Marxist ex-terrorist, a corrupt politician that was nearly impeached, 2 religious fundamentalists, the guy that intvented/caused the Y2K fiasco and then held the general public to ransom over it, an author (?), and some assorted mega rich businessmen. It seems that more than half the 15,000 votes came from the US, which is ironic since Idiot Boy Bush was placed 43rd, well behind Fidel Castro (36th) and Hugo Chavez (33rd). This my friends is an excellent advert for giving up on democracy because the general public are clearly too stupid to vote.

In answer to Abby's questions, the Liberals traditionally occupy the middle ground in British politics, but right now they are the most socialist of the parties as New Labour has moved right. The Conservatives are the Tories, and they traditionally occupy the right. They are still on the right, but there is some left wing feeling in there in the form of Ken Clarke. The Conservatives tend to identify with the American Republicans, but there has never been any Christian element to the party, not in my life time anyway.

Dickie, Mach3 razors don't take razor blades, they take cartridge things. Maybe that's what the survey menat by razor blades, but I was thinking of real razor blades. I use a Gillet Sensor Excel incidentally. I was thinking of attempting a Salvadore Dali moustache, but that's a whole new area of discussion.

And finally, weird news of the day comes from the Florida swamps. A 3.9m python has exploded after attempting to eat a whole 1.8m alligator. There's even a picture of the event here.


At 11:12 pm, Blogger Richard said...

Forgive the unintentional pun, but I could not make head nor tail of the python vs. alligator photo. If anyone would like to post a clearly labelled version of the photo I would be very appreciative.

I used to use Sensor Excel, but then got taken in by the idea of three blades not two. Does actually make an improvement, and the Mach 3 blades are lots easier to rinse out under the tap.


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