Saturday, October 08, 2005

Not enough hours in the day

You didn't get an entry yesterday because I had to work through the lunch hour, how dedicated is that? It's now Saturday and I want everyone to know, I've also worked from 9 am - 2:30 pm today.

I was sort of hoping to get some hate mail or something after describing Nelson Mandela as a Marxist ex-terrorist in my last entry. Either the general public are more in tune with me than I thought however, or no-one realised to whom I was referring. No mater, I can be contraversial in other ways.

My bloody iPOD has decided to die. It was working perfectly well yesterday, this morning, nothing. It's still under warranty but I don't have a receipt for it. At least, I can't find it. I got it from the official Apple shop however and I think they record the serial numbers anyway. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I got a receipt. It's common practice round these parts to avoid giving receipts if possible because it means that certain taxes can be avoided. I'm off to the Apple shop tomorrow anyway.

I've just started reading a book called "Re-Reading Harry Potter" by Suman Gupta. It has some interesting ideas. Suman Gupta is an Open University lecturer in the UK. He writes badly. I mean, he writes really badly, worse than Dan Brown. I can't understand why academics that can't write don't get someone to ghost write for them. I may treat you to the odd passage of apalling writing when I find one worthy of repetition. But I digress, the book discusses the social and political impact of the first 4 Harry Potter books. I'm only 20 pages in, but it looks interesting. More news on this as it unfolds.

It's peeing down with rain again and the weatherman says it will continue for 3 days. Well that's just great. I actually get a 3 day weekend this week; well, 2.5 day thanks to this morning's episode; and it's going tip down with rain until the day I have to go back.

I see that two scum-bag, virus writers have gone to prison for their part in creating the T-K worm - Good! I'm glad that they went to prison, sorry it was only for 3 and 6 months. I hope they have to share cells with someone really unpleasant.

The DARPA $2 million chalenge is on again. This year 23 contestants have entered and will try and get robot vehicles 240 km acros the Mojavi desert. I think this is an amazing competition. I'm finding I have moral objections because it's in an effort to develop defence hardware. I can't decide whether I am becomming more opposed to war because I am gettng older, or because Bush and Blair are making such a hash of the world with their war effort. Either way, I'd love to enter somethign in the DARPA competition, but I'm buggered if I'd let the US defence department have it.Click.


At 8:44 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it could only be a matter of re-setting ipod...(at least that helped me when mine stopped reacting to any button pressing. check out this site - it's pretty good:


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