Irish dancing
Jim is right, we don't really want movie companies giving us summaries of plots. I wasn't really suggesting they should. What I meant was they should provide an idea of whether it contains anything potentially offensive or unsuitable for children; sex, nudity, violence, Irish dancing, drugs etc. I'm just suggesting that the certificaion element is arbitary. If I as a parent, don't mind my kids seeing nudity (and I don't, what's wrong with nakedness?) but I don't want them seeing something about drugs, the 12 certificate is fairly useless to me since it tells me tells me that the film could contain nudity, slight violence, references to drugs, but doesn't tell me which.
I just had text with Dickie on Skype. He seemed very interested in what I was eating for kunch, so I took a picture. What is that drink? I haven't opened it yet. I think I'll let the Dragon give it the once over before I open that one.

Incidentally Dickie, I take your point that owning guns does not in itself present a particularly big threat to the richest government the world has ever seen. I still say that launching a rebellion with guns is easier than without.
There's a new podcast that I have come across called I should be writing. I don't know if it's any good, but I need some motivation. I'll let you know how this goes. We do like podcasts. The first one seems promising. I say it's new, that's something of an exagerration. It's been around since August, I just found it for the first time last week and I have about 10 shows to catch up with.
Film ratings: In the UK I think it's now mandatory for film certificates to be accompanied with a couple of lines of explanatory text. My favorite was the PG wating for Finding Nemo - "Contains scenes of mild peril".
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