Tuesday, October 18, 2005


In case anyone is interested, the plant I mentioned yesterday turned out to be a Night-Blooming Cereus, also known as Epiphyllum Oxypetalum, Broad Leaved Epiphyllum, and according to Sumedha, King of Himalayan Flowers and Saussurea Obvallata. It's a cactus and it really does flower only once a year, at night for a few hours. So there you go, I feel special because I saw it. Here is a website that has more pictures.

Tomorrow we have an appointmetn with the British Cultural Office in Taipei. I'm still in two minds as to whether I should wear a tie or not. I think I will. Can't do any harm can it. The people at work will laugh at me of course when I return in the afternoon, but I'm not one to shy away from the lime light.

I'm trying to perfect the David Blaine levitation trick. I've made it work a few times but I've discovered I don't have the same power over my audience as Mr Blaine. Not sure why this is. I was hoping to amaze people with my skill, but so far most people have just raised their eyebrows and asked me how to do it. I may make a video of my attempt to run it by you guys.

It's nearly midnight and we have to get up eearly tomorrow. I may not get time for an update tomorrorw, but who knows.



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