Chicken nuggets
I ate chicken testicle soup yesterday. I shit you not ladies and gentlemen, I'm talking chicken soup with real chicken nuggets floating about in there. I'm not one to pass up an opportunity like that, so I went for it. I wasn't expecting a soft texture. They were shiny and I think I was expecting "playdough in a condom" sort of firmness. They were however quite mushy, like baked beans. They're bigger though, like small grapes. Not unpleasant if you can ignore the fact that you are in fact eating some poor cock's nut cluster.
This particular gastronomic wonder was served up at the wedding of one of the dragon's cousins. Actually it was billed as a wedding, but word on the street is that it was actually only an engagement, and it may have been something of a shot gun engagement at that, since the bride is 4 months pregnant. For all that however, it was a good day and there was much eeating and drinking. In addition to the testicle soup I decided to attempt lobster. I usually avoid all shell fish due to a to crab allergy . However, I have never had a bad reaction to anything other than crab and I decided that yesterday was the day to go for lobster. And the good news is, it didn't kill me.
I wish I had been more organised and taken a few picures, but I discovered far too late that the camera battery needed charging and it was not to be. We got home late in the evening and discovered the plant on the balcony was flowering. It had three huge, white, and very pungent blooms. This is significant because the plant only flowers for one day, at night, once a year. By morning the flowers are gone. I did manage to get a picture of this.

I have no idea what this plant is, but if anyone out there recognises it, I'm interested to know.
Lovely picture!
I think, it's called King of Himalayan flowers apparently, botanical name: Saussurea obvallata. (and no, I didn't google it:)
Dunno if the plant originates from India, but we sure give it a lot of importance. It's Indian name means a flower from the heavens or thereabouts.
It is a cactus, a night blooming cereus. I have 1 which hasn't bloomed yet that was given to me.
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