Friday, October 28, 2005

Live Roach Cam

This could be a short entry since lunchtime was taken up with swinging clubs on the driving range. It was a mistake to order lunch at the range as it took an eternity to arrive. It was quite acceptable when it did arrive however, though we were late returnng from lunch. I still can't seem to shake this cold off completely and I was too tired/achey to really have any fun. This week appears to be dragging.

I'm up to the 5th episode of the I should be writing podcast. It's good. Frustrated writers should be listening.

I have a cockroach trap under my desk at work. I put it there yesterday and there are already about a dozen little blighters stuck in there. I'm thinking I might rig up "Live Roach Cam" on the website.

Here's a groovy site that was passed to me today by the boss. You have to play around with the mouse for a while to discover how it all works. It's imaginative.

Prince Charles has been telling the world how the threat of climate change is the most frightening thing in the world. He's such a prick. He should keep his unqualified, unresearched and generally unwanted opinions to himself. It really bothers me that this idiot is already abusing his position and will no doubt continue to do so when he becomes king.


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