I Hate Sally Morgan
Thought for the day:
Kate Moss has never done a day's work in her life, she's merely fortunate that she happens to look beautiful doing nothing. She employs no skill in her work. She merely shows up. I therefore conclude that her wealth and success is not an achievement, any more than winning the lottery is.
I forgot to respond to Mr Cat6 and his confusion over the issue of orbital-rotational resonance. Mr 6 states, "Is the Earth's ratio not 1:365, then? 1 rotation around the Sun=365 rotations of the earth on its own axis? How is mercury special?" See, this is where I too was having an issue. As far as I can tell, the earth isn't in resonance because it doesn't orbit exactly 365 times a year. It's more like 365.25 times. That said, I'm guessing there must be a repeating period that sees the earth and sun regularly in phase start position, even if it's like gazillions of years/orbits/rotations. I'm still not really straight with the concept. I'm guessing it's a loose term.
I love that word "gazillions". It's a real word apparently. I typed it in an email a few days ago and I was expecting the spell checker to moan about it, but it didn't. So I looked it up, and it turns out to be a real word. That can be your interesting fact of the day. Word Web defines it as, "A very large indefinite number (usually hyperbole)".
I feel officially sorry for Britney. She's obviously got issues and it really can't be help having slimy guys poking cameras up her dress every time she sets foot on the street. Some people really are foul. The number of hangers on round her now is really quite disgusting. Who is this Lufti guy that's just showed up? Claims to be her friend and manager, but left her in tears on the street the other day. Some friend he is. She should ditch everyone and go undercover for 6 months. Go work on a farm or something where no one knows her.
I came close to a breakdown once. It's the oddest thing, losing your mind. I knew something was wrong because I could feel that the people around me were concerned about me. I didn't realise I was acting erratically though. I didn't know what they were concerned about. And the only way to get better, is to walk away from the cause of the problem. That's usually difficult though. One tends to walk away from things casuing a problem before the problem really starts if it's easy to do. In my case, the cause of the problem was my job. Walking out was an almost instant cure. Jumping from that precipice was a terrifying step however. I took about 6 weeks paid sick leave, then went back and told them I was leaving. It was the most liberating thing I've ever done. I shut the house up, got on a plane to Taiwan and was working again in two weeks. Problem solved.
I must have been terminally bored last night because I started to watch "Sally Morgan, Psychic to the Stars", or as I prefer to call her, "that lying cow who feeds on the grief and misery of vulnerable people". Some people think psychics are harmless of course, and a few fruit cakes actually believe these people can really speak to the dead. I think they belong in jail or mental homes, but lets not dwell on that. Last night Psychic Sally went to comedienne Helen Lederer's house. Helen is either an accomplished actress, or she was taken in by the old bag, because she seemed to believe the tripe that she was told.
The part that bothered me most came when Helen told Psychic Sally that she was worried about her daughter. Sally told her not to worry, and that everything was fine. It seemed pretty harmless when it happened, but after Sally left counting her money, Helen summed everything up. Helen was apparently relieved that Sally had told her not to worry about her daughter because she had been worried she wasn't eating properly. Can you see where I'm going with this? Unqualified, lying, fraudulent, and thick Psychic Sally Morgan told someone they don't need to worry about their daughter, who it turns out has a potential eating disorder.
If this child, she's just 17 by the way, develops an eating disorder now, and I find out about it, I'm going to make it my personal mission in life to put Morgan in jail. You heard it here first folks.
I almost lost the will to live before the programme ended, and rather than risk falling into a coma, I turned it off, so I don't know what else the cow got up to. Man. I hate psychics.