Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I guess it's all over now. The funeral was on Friday. Dumpy was spectacularly well behaved. He sat silently on my lap for the entire committal. He did throw himself into the floral tributes during the church service, but in some ways I think it lightened the atmosphere. I'm sure my father would have been amused by it. I hope he saw it and chuckled from wherever he is.

I went to visit my father on Thursday. I'm so glad I did. He looked just as though he was sleeping, really peaceful. They'd dressed him in a robe thing and he looked nice. The only thing that made it slightly strange was the fact that he had no glasses on, but I'm assuming they couldn't cremate them, so they removed them. He always wore glasses.

I've shaken a lot of hands, kissed a lot of cheeks, told many people I'm fine, and thanked a lot of people for coming. The difficult part is over. All I have to do now is fill the hole he left in my world with something.


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