I'm bored with the damn canoeist
First a picture, just because I like it...

Today I am fed up with hearing about the bloody canoeist who allegedly faked his own death. I mean honestly, this has been headline news for the last week. He's just a prat who tried to cheat the insurance company as far as I can see. He didn't even do it very well. Seems he thought that coming back after five years with 'amnesia' would mean he could keep the money and come out of hiding. Apparently not however. Anyway, I'm fed up with hearing about the idiot. I don't care. I do want to know what is happening with the Labour party funding debacle. I also want to know what is happening with the missing child benefit data and what is being done to mitigate the effects if the data falls into the wrong hands.
I've written to my local MP over my concerns for the new immigration rules. It's difficult to know what is going to happen. It would appear that the Home Secretary is to introduce a points system. That's a great idea. It's not as if I haven't been saying it for decades. As usual however, it looks like it's going to be an almighty cock-up. Seems the only things you get points for are university qualifications and huge salaries. My wife has neither. She does however have a British husband and a British son. How many points does she get for that - none. Thanks then.
A man released from prison early under a government scheme to reduce prison crowding has murdered his girlfriend. It's worth noting here that he was only in prison in the first place because he beat her up. Nice chap. Jack Straw, Justice Secretary, says that he would have murdered her whenever he was released, so it's obviously OK then.
The amusing story of the day concerns a woman who has been jailed for trying to claim tax credit for seven children that didn't exist. The authorities realised something was wrong when they realised she would have had to have given birth seven times in 18 months it her claim was genuine.
The new train timetable started this week. So far I don't think any train I have wanted to catch has been on time, but there are more of them, so I guess we are better off than we were. Today I went to the quiet carriage on the journey to the office, but it was crowded and an ignorant git next to me spent the whole journey making phone calls. On the way back I headed for the quiet carriage again, but this time there was a family with three children under five shouting and screaming, and a group of eastern European girls playing the videos they had recorded on their phones - Sigh.
Oh, and news just in; as if it wasn't enough that the HMRC lost the personal details of 25 million, it now appears that the Northern Ireland Driver and Vehicle licensing authority has lost thousands more, yet another example of a government department with no understanding of the importance of personal data.
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