Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Deep Smag

The Home Office is in reasonably deep smeg this afternoon, after leaked emails reveal that a huge number of illegal immigrants have been placed in security roles. In fact the leaked emails show rather more than that. They show that the Home Office was trying to keep it quiet because there would be significant fallout if the media got hold of it. And today they have.The last Home Secretary was Charles Clarke.

I always thought Clarke was a fairly decent chap. and when the last scandal hit the Home Office, he was very open an honest. I felt quite sorry for him when he lost his job. I don't know whether I like Jacqui Smith. I think one has to be very suspicious of women that use unconventional 'cute' spellings of their names. I fell the same way about "Toys R Us". She's lost her chance to be open an honest because she's known about this since the Summer and the evidence suggests, very strongly, that she's tried to bury it. She has to make a statement to the house this afternoon. I'm not a betting man, but I suspect she's in for a mauling.

The Telegraph comes up with some incredible statistics today. Apparently there are 400,000 people in this country now, who have entered the country illegally since 1997, applied for asylum and were turned down. That's 400,000 people who have been told to leave, and haven't. And that is just the people we know about. That number does not include the people who arrived in the back of lorries, or the people who arrived on vistors' visas and never went back.


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