Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Mish Mash From Tuesday

I hate the hour going back every year. I have about 200 clocks to change and inevitably I forget at least one of them. This year there were the bedroom clock, Dumpy's wall clock, the clock in the bathroom, the office clock, the central heating clock, the dining room clock, the kitchen clock, the clock on the cooker, the VCR clock, the stereo clock, the living room clock, the car clock, my wristwatch, the downstairs phone, and my mobile phone. I mean, what is the point? That's 15 clocks, and in 6 months' time I'll be moaning about changing them back again. Apparently there was chaos at Gatwick airport yesterday because the clock failed to go back at 2am when it should have.

On Friday morning my train was cancelled. I hate when they do that. The next one is an hour later. They did let the 8.41 stop at my station, so I only had to wait 30 minutes, well 45 minutes actually because that one was delayed. What really pisses me off is the fact that there were two train before the 8.41 that could have stopped, but they didn't, and I just had to watch them pull out without me - Bastards, I hop they lose their franchise.

There is a story all over the press this morning about someone who tried to blackmail "a member of the royal family". Of course, we are not told which member. The original story claimed that a tape existed of a member of the royal family engaged in a sex act and taking drugs. The story has morphed several times. Now it appears to be a non-senior member of the royal family, involved in a gay sex act with an aide, and supplying cocaine to the same aid. The two guys in possession of the video have been arrested and are being held in London. Apparently they were attempting to get £50,000 from the royal, for not going public.

The lawyer representing the two arrested men has claimed that a tape exists, but that there was no sex act recorded, only talk of one. The Sun claims it can reveal that the royal in question is definitely not William or Harry, though all other reports are suggesting that it could be. Several of the reports suggest that one of the arrested men has met the Princes and Zara Philips. I think we can rule out Zara Philips since she is a girl. One report also names Freddie Windsor. Now, if I was a betting man, I'd go for Freddie as the royal in question. He's a bit of a prat, playboy, can't hold down a job, and is always in trouble. Actually, that could be Harry too couldn't it. I think if it was Harry the stakes would be higher though.

And that is another strange thing about this. Ian Strachan, one of the guys currently being held by police, has a reputation as a London playboy, and seems to have a place in Chelsea. You really have to be rich to live anywhere near Chelsea, which makes me wonder why he risked so much for £50,000, which literally wouldn't even buy you a shed in the area.


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