Phase II
An so begins another week. I actually wrote loads of stuff last week and never quite got around to posting it. So I may be posting this with at least two other entries. I can never tell. I write this in Notepad at work during my lunch hour.
There has been no time to read the news, or do anything much this weekend because I have been renovating the kitchen. Phase II went very well, much better than phase I anyway. I assembled and installed 2 double and one single floor cabinet, a cooker housing and oven, a new worksurface, and a gas hob. I've done everything except the towel rail thing, which sounds simple but isn't, and the door knobs, which will be phase IV. I was going to leave the kick-plates until phase IV also, but Dumpy decided he liked attempting to crawl under the cabinets, so I had to do it. If I'm being honest, I also still have to bolt down the worksurface and screw in the hob, but it was a success. I feel proud of myself. I also ache all over and I have cuts and bruises all over my hands.


Actually this was taken before cabinet doors and kick plates were installed. You'll have to imagine those.
I've been meaning to answer Mr Cat6's comment from weeks ago. He asked why I didn't just change the cupboard doors. Well, I could have of course, but I wanted to move the cooker and add an extractor, so I was going to have to carve up some of the cabs anyway. It seemed sensible to do it properly.
It was a cathartic experience to finally dump the old oven in the back garden. And last night the Dragon spent some time wok-ing chicken and vegetables. We bought a new wok to celebrate.
Next weekend we were going to go to Devon, but it's been shelved. So, rather than begin phase III, I'm going to do some tidying. I'll make a list of things that need doing and prepare for phase III.
Fantastic so far! I'll be breathing your air next week, lol. Around the 28-30th. Well, British air anyway.
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