Kick him in the danglies
OK, first things first, if you see this man in the street, kick him in the danglies.

This power mad, control freak, appeal court judge, and prize berk is calling for everyone in Britain to be put on a single DNA database. How can anyone think that is a good idea? I mean honestly, I'm not suggesting it wouldn't help solve some crime, but can he see no negative impact, no potential dangers, no assault on personal liberty? The man is a fool, and his name is Lord Justice Sedley. I'm not even going to list the potential pitfalls.
Incidentally, you might also find it interesting that Lord Justice Sir Stephen Sedley is an ex member of the communist party and was partly responsible for dismissing a court case a while back brought on behalf of a 12-year-old who's DNA was kept on file despite the fact that it was established that he was not guilty of any crime. As reported in the Telegraph this morning. So, cold hard fact, not my personal opinion. He is also however, a prick, and that is my personal opinion.
I got up early yesterday and drove to the parcel office. I had to pick up a package sent by friend Dickie. The package actually arrived on Monday at 9.30am apparently, but by some cruel twist of fate, the dragon must have been out back hanging out laundry or something, and missed it. The parcel office opens at 6am, but closes soon after lunch. I was going to pick it up at the weekend, but then it occurred to me that we would be in Devon on Saturday. So it was in danger of being sent back, and since friend Dickie is currently, or very shortly to be, in Zambia, I decided to get up early. It's his collection of Lost DVDs, series 1 and 2. I've almost forgiven the production team for their woeful depiction of triangulation techniques, and intend to continue watching. Not quite sure how I am to secure series 3 however.
I've finished that damn Bill Bryson book at last. I like Bill; he's good light reading, but I read two in a row and it's just too much pointless banter. I think I would recommend Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid, but I got bored to death with Notes from a small Island. I suspect it would be the other way round had I read them in a different order. Also, having lived in Britain for most of my life, I'm not really surprised by much he found on my small island.
I sent most of Tuesday afternoon wondering how I could fix the flu for the new cooker extractor properly to the exit housing. I had formulated a rough plan by the time I boarded the train home and ten minutes on the roof of the conservatory yesterday resulted in an effective solution. I'm sure no one cares, but I'm pleased that the cavity wall is no longer being filled with steam.
Did you see Amy Winehouse at the Mercury awards? Wasn't she amazing! I so hope she sorts her life out. More to the point, I hope she sorts it out before I start losing sympathy for her.
I have Lost season 3 in DivX downloaded format...can burn to a couple of DVDs when you're ready for it. Also plan to buy the US boxed set when it comes out in December.
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