Thursday, August 09, 2007

Lucan found in NZ

Well I never managed to post an entry for yesterday, but I'm having a go for one today. Things are busy at work currently, which sounds like an excuse. Well, it is an excuse, I used to write every day and I've been this busy before. I suppose there are other things too, like trying to be a good dad. Nothing actually happened yesterday of any great interest anyway.

Today's newspapers are bringing the news that Amy Winehouse is suffering "severe exhaustion", or the effects of a "drug overdose", depending on the nature of the paper you read. The Sun appears to be reporting it as a drug problem as is the Telegraph, The Guardian reports that the Sun said it was a drug problem but her PR people are calling it exhaustion. The BBC report that it is exhaustion. I personally find it difficult to believe that she would show up at a hospital accident and emergency unit in the small hours with "exhaustion".

Yesterday saw Pete Doherty in court facing drug charges again and possible imprisonment. I don't understand how people with this much talent let themselves go this far off the rails. They can't be happy can they?

Some clown reckons he's found Lord Lucan living in New Zealand in the back of a Land Rover. I admit that there's a passing resemblance, but come on, the guy is a decade too young! Click.


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