Monday, July 09, 2007


Well I'm back at work again, drowning in SQL. I've never done any SQL until now. It's something of a challenge, but I'm actually enjoying myself. Most people start learning by building a little database and manipulating it. I've been given a database the size of Mars, the goal being to pull the right data out of it. It's a bit like pulling apart a jet fighter to find out how a hang-glider works. Incidentally, you remember when they told you at school that planes stay up because the air flows faster over the top of the wing then the bottom? Cobblers, how do those little planes fly upside down then? It took me years to find out the real answer. I'll maybe do an entry on that another day.

I've not been posting here for a few days because I've had family commitments. Now there's something I never thought I'd hear myself saying. Last week the Dragon's sister came to stay with us. She was touring Europe and stopped off here before flying back to Taiwan. She was with us a whole week, which made the Dragon very happy. I think Dumpy enjoyed himself too. I took a week off work to be taxi driver and tour guide. We did quite a few things. We spent a couple of days in Devon and visited Castle Drogo. We also went to Glastonbury, and Oxford.

After Sister in law left last Thursday, we had a couple of days left before I had to go back to work, so we decided to visit Hampton Court. This was a mistake. We went to visit because they were demonstrating the Tudor kitchens. Unfortunately it was also Hampton Court Flower Show week, which meant we had to drive three hours to get there, and it's only 75 miles. The journey back was quite easy since not everyone was leaving together. Actually, the visit itself was fine. It was only the journey that was a nightmare.

Yesterday the new Chinese supermarket opened. We went along to that because they were having a few celebrations, and it's not easy finding Asian celebrations round here. It was actually a good day. There was lots to see and loads of cooking demonstrations and dragon dances, and stuff like that. We bought loads of supplies.

Thanks to Mr Cat6 for the link he sent me about Paedophiles. I don't know how he knew that I would be interested, but he was quite right. I actually remember reading the original Telegraph article some time ago. Click here to read thte article.


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