Thursday, June 21, 2007


Seems like I upset Obscene Lesbian. Sorry, genuinely didn't mean to offend. It's a reflex thing with me. I see anything to do with numerology and I have to scream bullshit. I have the same problem with astrology, psychics, ghost hunters, UFOlogists, dowsers, spoon benders, and any clown that claims he can see my aura. It's something of a personal crusade to rid the world of, well bullshit.

Some hacker claims to have stolen a copy of the new Harry Potter Book and has posted spoilers on the internet. I doubt very much that it is true. "Gabriel" claims that he sent an infected e-mail to a Bloomsbury employee which allowed him to retrieve a digital copy of deathly hallows from disk. Sounds a little far fetched to me. How many Bloomsbury employees happen to have a copy lying around on their disk.And, come to think of it, I bet any electronic copies are password protected.

I think hackers are scum. I've always thought this. I don't think I've ever met any active hackers, but I have met a few reformed hackers working for security companies over the years. Reformed hackers are thirty somethings who have realised that there is more to life than sitting in a dimly lit room attempting to vandalise someone's website. They remain socially inept and virginal, but they're a bit like reformed smokers, able to look back at their former life in disgust.

Gordon Brown seems to have asked Paddy Ashdown to come and be part of his cabinet when he becomes PM next week. One wonders what he is playing at. Ashdown is the enemy and this attempted deal appears to have happened behind the back of the Lib Dem leader.

The European Space Agency seems to be looking for volunteers to spend 17 months locked in a room together. Apparently it's an experiment to examine the problems associated with a prolonged trip in space, specifically Mars. I can't imagine why anyone would want to go to Mars. I'd say the chances of success are slim to say the least. How many unmanned craft have we crashed on Mars? Dozens I think.


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