Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The End of Mr Y

From July 1st smoking will be banned in enclosed public spaces in England. That includes pubs, restaurants, shops, offices, taxis, clubs, and public transport. I'm really in two minds about whether this is a good thing. The libertarian in me thinks this is an appalling idea, an affront to our human rights, a blow from the fascist, nanny regime. On the other hand, it will be so wonderful to go out and not come back smelling of tobacco. It's the ex-smoker in me. For some reason you don't realise just how foul smoking is until you've done it and stopped.

It was a nice weekend again. We went out to Bowood House on Saturday and then to Abbey House Gardens yesterday. It was clothes optional day at the Abbey House Gardens. It was fun, but frankly, not as fun as the last time, and I think I've done it enough times now. I don't think I really need to do it again. I managed to get burned in the sun anyway.

I've just begun reading "The End of Mr. Y", by Scarlet Thomas. I'm very pleased to be reading this because it's an advanced copy for reviewing, and it isn't actually published yet. I won my copy in a competition run by Waterstones bookshop. I guess I wasn't that lucky because there were 50 winners. I still feel privileged however. I like it so far, but I'm not going to give anything away here. Part of my prize is to write a review for the bookshop. The best one will be made into a recommends card which will be used to promote the book.

The PM is currently in Germany currently, meeting with Chancellor Merkel ahead of this week's G8 summit. That leaves the deputy PM in charge of ruining the country back home. Except that John Prescott, the deputy PM, is currently in hospital. So, are we drifting? Who's driving? Prescott's hospitalisation is something of an enigma actually. The official reason given for his incapacitation is a "chest infection". But, reports seem to suggest that he was taken ill rather suddenly, and he's now been in hospital 48 hours, which doesn't seem like just a chest infection to me. He's 69 years old and known to suffer from health problems, including diabetes. It's also rather strange that the hospital in which he is being cared for, has not been named.

Just got a call from the garage. The car failed it's MOT. It's not so bad though. They told me last year that the catastrophic converter was on the way out. I know it's been welded together in the past. Well apparently that's still sound, but the silencer has gone, so that's £70. Not as bad as it could have been. A new converter would be twice that. I knew the exhaust was going it's been blowing for months, I just thought it was the cat. I guess I was wrong. Anyway, nice Cross Street Garage are mending it and he can come home tomorrow.


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