Friday, May 04, 2007


Yesterday's entry was filled with theology, so today will be more light hearted. I'm hoping that the elections results will come out today and show that Blair and his insidious, corrupt party have been soundly thrashed by the electorate.

I've discovered today that the most popular news story in living memory involves a man who was caught having sex with a goat in Sudan. It seems that the man in question was forced to marry the goat as a punishment. It bothers me that I somehow managed to miss this story myself, but I understand the original BBC piece which covered the wedding, had half a million hits in five days. Now there has been a development. The goat appears to have had a kid, and subsequently died.

Something a bit more serious: A man has been found guilty of abducting and attempting to rape a 13 year old girl delivering newspapers. The guy tied her up, forced her to undress, assaulted her, and was only prevented from continuing his attack after the victim managed to release herself and alert neighbours by shouting. The police rescued her. He got eight years. He'll be out in four if he behaves himself.

A minister in Bristol has been convicted and sentended to 5 1/2 years in prison for sexually abusing young boys in his care. He will be out of prison in less than 3 years.

These sentences seem trivial to me.

* And as the day progresses:

It would appear that the Labour party has done spectacularly badly in local elections all over the country. Some are saying that the result is not as bad as it could have been, and Hazel Blears was on the breakfast news programme this morning telling everyone that the Conservatives should be worried because they haven't done well enough. My guess Ms Blears, is that you'd much rather the Labour party was in that position than the one they currently hold however. Conservatives appear to have polled around 41% of the vote, while Labour is down at 27%. Counting is not over yet. I voted by internet, but apparently the internent voting trial went all wrong and everything had to be recounted. The BNP have thankfully also done badly just about everywhere they fielded candidates and failed to add new seats. I'm hoping this means that their popularity has peaked.


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