Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Sleep on demand

Last night Dumpy just wouldn't go to sleep. It was 9 o'clock before we ate dinner. I find his erratic sleeping behaviour one of the most frustrating elements of bringing up a child. There are many disgusting things of course, nappies, feeding time, and unexpected vomit for instance, but few things are quite as tiresome as the sleepless nights and the disrupted evenings. I probably shouldn't complain. Some people don't get the privilege of fatherhood. But oh, I wish he would just sleep on demand.

He's also developed a liking for the remote controls. We have five remote controls in our house, but he particularly likes the ones for the tv and cable box. I've experimented and discovered that he can always pick out these two from the fie, however they are stacked. I'm not quite sure if he knows what they are for exactly, though he does look expectantly at the screen when one is picked up. He tends to carry them around for a while before hiding them somewhere.

I was hoping that we would hear some time this week about who the CPS intend to prosecute in the cash for peerages row. Alas, no decision appears to have been made yet. It does seem that Tony Blair is on the very brink of telling us when he will finally piss off however. Oh happy, happy day! The only downside of course being that we will get Gordon Brown instead, which is not a thrilling prospect. I suppose he is unlikely to get himself re-elected at the next general election though, since he clearly lacks Blairs charisma.

I just read that the guy accused of murdering five prostitutes in Ipswich has pleaded noy guilty at his hearing. That was ages ago. Why did it take so long? Murderers also plead not guilty of course because they have nothing to lose.

Cuban leader Fidel Castro has not shown up for the May Day parade, which is seen as a sign that he's pretty sick.

Today's stupid environmental story comes from Prince Charles. Apparently Charles has it all worked out. We need to invent more "low carbon products" it seems. I'm not sure whether this story actually counts as a stupid environmental story. Obviously it's stupid because Prince Charles said it, but whether it's actually environmentally stupid, I'm not certain. I find it amazing that Prince Charles thinks he has credibility. Despite the best education the world has to offer, he only managed to achieve a lower second in Art History, and that was after the course was tailor made for him. One also has to factor in the possibility that the university was too scared to fail him.


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