Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Two in One

The big interest news story this week is the cash for honours row. In simple terms, the labour party has been accused of giving people peerages for cash. The CPS has been handed the results of the police inquiry, and it is up to the CPS to make a decision about who, if anyone, to prosecute. In fact, it isn't quite that simple. The CPS decision ultimately rests with Lord Goldsmith, Tony Blair's friend and tennis partner, and peer. In fact he was made a peer by Tony Blair. Tony Blair was never arrested during the inquiry, but he tried to blackmail the police into not questioning him under oath. He never was questioned under oath, which could mean he was successful. The long and the short is, Tony Blair is deeply involved, and his friend, tennis partner, and peer, Lord Goldsmith gets to decide who needs prosecuting.

Of course, the dream scenario for me would be Tony Blair in court just as the local elections are about to kick off. It's not going to happen. There will be fall out, but Tony will not be prosecuted. I'd say Levy would be lucky to escape court, and Ruth Turner is also likely to be dragged in. It has been alleged that Levy asked Turner to lie to the inquiry. Whether she did or not remains to be seen.

It seems that every day sees a new stupid news story on the subject of global warming. Today it appears that Cheryl Crow has contributed the story. She claims we can all help save the world by using less lavatory paper. You couldn't make it up could you? Cheryl says we should all limit ourselves to one square per visit. I say we could do even better than that by using leaves from the garden.

*** Above written 23 April, continued today, 24 April ***

I came to work this morning on the train as usual. I decided to travel in the "quiet" carriage. Loud conversation, personal stereos, and mobile phones are banned. There was however a loud Scottish woman having an animated conversation with the person opposite her. It was all terribly British though. No one wanted to be the one to tell her to shut up. The more one travels on trains, the more one despises them.

Today's important news story concerns a loony who cut his penis off in front of staff and customers at a restaurant in London. The report claims that doctors were unable to reattach the severed appendage. I think the headline should be, "Meat Slicer in London Restaurant".

I said yesterday that every day seems to bring a new global warming story. I'm going to modify that statement to, "every day seems to bring a new environmental story". Today I found this story. A group of GM crop protesters have planted organic potatoes in a field to ruin the GM trial taking place there. Except, there was no GM trial taking place there. They got the wrong field. They actually planted potatoes in a field of cattle feed, thinking it was a GM potato crop trial. I think the interesting point here is the fact that 200, yes 200, "environmentalists" were unable to correctly identify a potato crop. one has to ask the question, are they really interested in the environment, or just the protest?

Former Spice Girl Mel B has named her child after Eddie Murphy because she claims he is the father. Murphy says he is not the father. I feel sorry for the poor child. It appears she is being used as a chess piece in a very unpleasant game.


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