Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Yet another unfinished

My damn teeth hurt. I visited the dentist yesterday and he "cleaned and scaled" me. No cavities needed filling, but somehow the scaling procedure has left me in agony. It wasn't fun at all. I don't have to go back for more treatment, but the dragon has to return on Monday for a filling. That means I will have to work at home again on Monday. I don't really like working at home. I get guilt problems.

I see Gordon Brown has cut income tax by 2%. That sounds good of course and I'm sure he's hoping it will persuade people to vote for him come the next general election. I suspect that most people will however see him for the thieving bastard that he is, since he's crippled everyone with Council Tax rises over the last decade. Oh, and he's cut the 10% starting rate so everyone pays 20% on everything now, so it won't make any difference anyway. He's also intending to increase public spending to around £674 billion. No government should ever be that rich.

It's Dumpy's first birthday today and we have even baked a cake. More accurately, the dragon baked a cake and I watched. It's an awesome cake however. We've also bought him a nice wooden truck for his bricks. I'll have to put it together this evening. And Auntie Eugenie is coming to see him. He got quite a few cards this morning in the mail too. That's good because I don't have very much family.


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