Friday, March 09, 2007


Dumpy has been a real pain in the arse recently. I think when we were away he got used to never being left alone. He slept in the same room as us, and came everywhere with us. Now he seems to bawl whenever he is left alone, even for an instant. We don't leave him alone for hours you understand, but he does have his own room, and sometimes it is necessary to leave him somewhere safe while one goes off to have a wee or some such. I feel guilty when I go off to work. It must be agony for single parents.

This weekend we take the little chap to see his British Grandparents. They haven't seen him for about a month. He's more mobile now. His crawling has developed and he's standing up on his own more. The Dragon says that girl babies develop speech and walking skills faster than boys. I don't know if that is true. He still hasn't said anything intelligable, and although he stands, he can't really do so without leaning on something and he doesn't really take steps at all. I wish he could talk. I suppose we will have to wait.

John Inman died this morning, he was 71. He had hepatitis A.

The above was written yetserday and never posted. I woke up this morning at 5.30, thinking it was 6.30. I went back to bed again, but didn't really sleep. I've managed to download a copy of the film Babel. Sadly it doesn't have subtitles. That's akward since the film is in 4 languages, 5 if you count sign language. I think I may have to buy the dvd. I rarely buy dvds because they are region specific. andI object to the entertainment industry attempting to hold me to randsome. I may make an exception in the case of Babel.

It's 10.30 pm. I've written almost nothing. I still have to make a CD of photos for my parents tomorrow, so I will leave it here. I'll write something cool next week.


At 5:32 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome home! Hopefully the wee one gets past his seperation anxiety soon..


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