All a question of time
Feeling better today. I didn't get up until about 6 am. I think the time difference is finally becoming less of an issue. Dumpy woke up once in the night, but went back to sleep very quickly. In answer to Abbey's comment, I am intending to publish more photos of our Taiwan 2007 tour, but I haven't quite decided what format it will take. I wish I had more time. I expect I will put some more pictures on this page, but I should also add another gallery. It's all a question of time. Here are a couple to be going on with...

The dragon is writing a very popular blog in Chinese now and we were recognised by readers of that blog at Heathrow airport when we flew out on Valentines day. I thought it was a wind up, but it seems there was a note from someone asking if it was us she saw at Heathrow on 14 Feb. She identified the coffee shop where we were and said she saw me taking Dumpy for a walk round the duty free shops on my shoulders. She described everything exactly, so it must be genuine. Fame at last.
Nothing very newsworthy is happening today. Robbie Williams is out of rehab, 20 people have died in a plane crash in Indonesia, and the home secretary is going to combat the problem of illegal immigrants by sending them text messages reminding them that their visas have expired. That'll do the trick. One wonders how he is going to perform this feat when, by his own admission, he hasn't got the faintest idea just who or where the illegal immigrants are.
I've just found out when the documentary I mentioned yesterday about Prince Charles airs. It's on Monday 12th at 8 pm on Channel 4. It's a Dispatches piece entitled "Prince Charles: The Meddling Prince". I could have come up with a better title, but I'm still looking forward to it. It will apparently call into question big ears' suitability to become head of state because he can't keep his trap shut. He's also running a dodgy business it seems. Somehow his company appears to be exempt from corporation tax. That gives him something of an advantage over the competition doesn't it. I try not to buy Duchy Originals just because I object to lining Big Ears' pockets.
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