And ao is Ann Furedi
It's peeing down with snow everywhere today. Does snow pee down? Well it's is falling copiously anyway. I did consider turning back when I reached the station this morning. Although a semi reasonable train service was running, they kept altering platforms and my train, which was eventually 10 minutes late, was held up by a train just sitting on platform 1 doing nothing for ages. It eventually transpired that it was waiting for its train manager to arrive. Arrived without incident only slightly late at any rate. The office is half empty today. Everyone elected to work from home. Everyone apart from me apparently.

Dumpy seems to have rediscovered his appetite and drank almost 600ml of milk yesterday. This morning I am told he has already finished 230ml for breakfast. He was eating pancakes when I left. He has discovered a new trick of throwing food, which is disturbing and driving the dragon mad.
The dragon is not used to snow and has never seen enough to make a snowman until today. There is perhaps 4-5 cm lying in Swindon now. She called me as I got to the office and told me she was very worried about kids in the street throwing snowballs at cars. This is of course common practice for children in this country. People seldom die from this activity however and I told her not to worry. There is currently a snowball fight in progress outside in the carpark. I can see it from my window. Shouldn't these people be at their desks working?
Apparently there were a record number of abortions in UK in January. The number was up 13% on the same period for the previous year. The charity "Marie Stopes International", says that the rise in abortion rates after Christmas is probably down to wild parties and booze. I think that's a fair assumption. The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) however said, "Closure of family planning facilities, GPs and pharmacists during the holiday period means contraceptive access is reduced". In other words, people can't get hold of condoms over Christmas. What is this woman talking about? Even if condom access was impossible, and it was not, it doesn't mean people automatically start taking stupid risks. Some people say some really idiotic things to make a point.
That quote came from Ann Furedi, chief executive of BPAS. She needs to get out more. Every pub, club, and restaurant in Britain has a condom machine, and they don't close over Christmas. It is also quite possible to get medical attention if it's needed and lots of chemists stay open too. So don't give me that you stupid woman.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...
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