Monday, February 05, 2007

No Space

Last week was one of those weeks where there were no spaces in which to place small tasks, like uploading garbage to my page. I actually posted two screens of unedited ramblings last night. Both entries consist of paragraphs pasted together in Frankensteinesque manner, typed at various moments during the week. I have so many things I want to do and so little time in which to fit them. I've been trying to watch a James Randi lecture at Princeston since last Friday. Despite the disjointed nature of recent posts however, I have received a couple of notes, from Abbey and two alien readers. I will get back to you guys at some point I promise. Oh and January Girl, nice to get a recent note from you too.

Old friend Dickie is back in UK from next month and has asked for an audience. As usual, I would love to see him, but we leave for Asia the day before he arrives back in England. Aint that just typical? He will be staying indefinitely this time however and that is a good sign.

I've ordered my new Harry Potter book. My local Waterstones says they may be able to do a half price deal. Anyway, I've put down my £3 and will be there at one minute past midnight on 21 july. I checked first whether they would be open at midnight and they confirmed that they would. I might go dressed as Dumbledore or something. My wife doesn't understand me. I might take Dumpy, it's about time he got into HP.

One story which caught my eye this morning was this. As far as I can tell, three men have been jailed for talking about raping two sisters aged 13 and 14. This seems absolutely incredible to me. These men had never met, never touched a child, never been convicted of any sex offence before, but were all found guilty of conspiracy to rape. The evidence was entirely text from a chat room log.

The most amazing thing here is the fact that one of the men actually walked in to the police station and handed over the evidence himself, claiming that he only became involved with the intention of flushing out paedophiles. I'm not suggesting that these men are wholesome or even innocent, but there is not enough evidence to convict these people. This was possibly nothing more than fantasy and it is impossible to prove otherwise. The one that came forward could well have been doing precisely what he claimed, flushing out real perverts.

In fact these men were swapping child porn pictures. That is illegal and, if that is what the conviction was, then I wouldn't be complaining, but Conspiracy to Rape, no that's just ridiculous.

In other news, Kylie Minogue has split with her partner, and no one here is going to eat turkey for several weeks due to bird flu.


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