Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I'm changing my name to Nostrodamas

I got a few responses from yesterday's post, which is good. I was of course expecting Abby to say something, and she didn't dissapoint. I don't know whether this new gay rights legislation would cover discrimination against gay clergy by their own church. I suppose it would. It's an interesting point because there have already been rows about the appointment of gay clergy in Britain. If this legislation continues (it's not law yet) then I guess there would be nothing anyone could do to stop more gay clergy being appointed.

With no religion and no strong feelings about gay rights, I feel above this argument. It's another one of those issues that could go either way and still please me. One of my noters claims that the bible tells us we can't judge. This rings a bell with me, but I can't think where in the bible this is.

And onto something completely different. A while back I ranted about the entertainment industry painting themselves into a corner and losing touch with their customer base. Actually I have ranted about that particular issue on countless occasions come to think of it, but I am thinking of one entry specifically, in which I said that the music industry is peeing on its own feet by trying to stop downloadable music. I also said that the only thing the music industry can still offer is recording contracts, and pretty soon self publicity will take over from that.

Well I can chalk up another fulfilled prophecy. Since last week the British charts have been counting downloaded music as well as CDs and other formats. And guess what - a completely unsigned band who made a name for themselves entirely without the music industry, are about to enter the top 40. And what's more, they are being approached by the music industry now, and they're not sure they need them.

The Home Office continues to lurch from one crisis to the next. Why did people vote for this bunch of clowns?


At 2:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now Nostradamas will speak:
I have the authority to channel him.
You do not.
Neither do you have the right to review this.
Nosto-fucking-damas is a real live entity
and it is HIS choice to write this through these hands.

Just in case you think you have the right to channel him,
read this again.

His predicition is
the prophecies written.


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