Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Like a Zombie

I'm like a zombie. Herbert got me up about 200 times last night. I think he's getting some more teeth. More teeth for the baby equates to less sleep for father. It's OK for him, he can sleep during the day. Father has to earn enough money to pay for his living expenses. I could really use a few hours sleep.


They've arrested a second guy in connection with the Ipswitch murders. I can't believe two people are conspiring to murder these prostitutes, so I'm guessing one of them is innocent. It occurs to me that the first guy they've arrested is being very smart if he is indeed the murderer. He's given interviews to both the BBC and Sunday Mirror newspaper in which he admits to knowing the murdered girls. He claims they have been in his car and that he has been a client of at least some of them. The police are now going to find it very hard to use any forensic evidence against him. For instance, if they find hair or other evidence of these women at the guy's home or in his car, he can claim it got there innocently.

He sounds like complete knob. In one interview that I heard, he claims that he was the closest thing one of the girls had to a boyfriend. That comment makes him deluded at best I would say. He's an enigma though. He sounds well spoken and intelligent when he speaks, which makes me think he can't be that dim. He's also reportedly a "Team Leader" at his local supermarket. Not a good career choice for a 37 year old. He's not even described as management. In the past he's also been a special constable, which makes me think he's got a conscience, which doesn't seem to fit in with his choice of lifestyle which involves drugs and prostitutes.

I've known a couple of special constables and they've all been desperately insecure people looking for a bit of power and authority to justify their self importance. That fits in with his delusion that he was some kind of guardian angel for the working girls of Ipswitch. I'm still not at all convinced that the guy is guilty of anything other than being a prat.


The government has scrapped plans for a dedicated database to handle its evil id card scheme. The official line is that it will save costs and reduce the risk of fraud. I'm not quite sure how the use of existing databases is supopsed to reduce the risk of fraud, but I am sure that the scrapping of a dedicated database is entirely down to the fact that the cost has spiraled out of control. Be afraid, be very afraid. This could turn into the biggest government embarrassment in history. I do hope so.


A 15 year old girl has given birth to a baby at a catholic school in Bradford. The girl is not thought to have known she was pregnant. Now is she this naive because she had a catholic upbringing do you think? I was married to a pregnant woman for 9 months and I think I would have noticed she was heavy with child even if she hadn't told me herself. Didn't this child's parents realise?


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