Wednesday, November 22, 2006

It's not a gyroscope

I didn't get a chance to publish an entry yesterday. It's the downside of being a father. Children sap every resource you have, money, energy, time. I miss doing things that I used to take for granted.

I read today that the police will be taking finger-printing machines onto the street in the near future. It is described as a pilot exercise that will take part in several locations.I was horrified at first because I assumed that the police would be able to collect finger-prints. As it turns out, they can only read finger-prints and compare them with an on-line database. I am just mildly disgusted by this, as opposed to horrified. What's more, they won't be able to scan finger-prints from anyone without their permission. It makes me wonder exactly what they think use this wonderful system is.

I also read today that a senior police officer has suggested that we give heroin to adicts because it will help reduce the number of crimes they commit. I have to say he's probably right, but I would suggest giving money to burglars would probably reduce the number of crines they commit. I don't think either is really a very good use of tax payers' money.

It seems that the next Harry Potter film, Order of the Phoenix, is in post production now and is due for release in July. That would be 07/07. There has been much speculation that the final HP book would be released on 07/07/2007. The fact that the film is to be released at that time would surely point towards the same thing.

David Blaine's latest stunt is to suspend himself in a spinning contraption over Times Square. He claims it's a gyroscope, but it's not. It's getting really silly now. The ice block and the starvation things I thought were mad, but I could see why he was doing it. The bowl of water and the spinning thing - huh?

Brittany's ex-husband is now denying a sex tape exists. Didn't they recently try and sue someone over this? Why would they try and sue womeone over something that didn't exist?


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