Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Silly Money

Here I am again, 10pm, and nothing written yet. Well actually I've been writing all day at work, just not something suitable for here. Work's been a bit slow to be honest these last couple of weeks, but I have things to do again now. I'm currently standardising documentation for an upcoming ISO inspection.

Before I forget: Someone beeped their horn at me this morning as I walked to the station. Whoever it was was driving a blue, sporty Toyota, and they obviously knew me because they waved at me vigorously. I couldn't see the face though. It looked male, tall, and fair. But I could be wrong on any or all of those points. So, if you read this and you waved at me this morning, please leave a note and tell me who you were.

I got some good notes yesterday. I especially liked the one that claimed Elton John should be banned because he is nasty to Christians. Good point, and well made. I will respond personally when I get a moment.

Mallrats is on Film4 channel tonight and I'm in two minds as to whether to hit the record button. What's it like?

My brother wants me to get him a Playstation 3 from Taiwan. Apparently they aren't out here until March, and January in the US. Already out in Japan however. I don't know if they are out in Taiwan, but I'll check for him. I'm told they are changing hands for silly money. He also said something that might cause me to alter my prediction about Blue Ray dying a death. If PS3s flood the market place effectively, Blue Ray will get a head start and maybe it won't die.

Omar Bakri Mohamad. foul Muslim cleric deprted from UK is apparently still preaching terrorism on the Internet. I guess we can't touch him for that.

And a reproduction edition of the Dandy comic from 1939 is causing all sorts of trouble because it includes items that today would be considered racist. I have an opinion here. You can't change history, and we should be learning from it. If 1939 Dandys were racist, get them out there for all to see. There is a good chance that it will make people think positively about today's attitude. Why does it have to have a negative impact?


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