Wednesday, November 01, 2006


The leaves are turning brown and the weather is getting cooler. It's almost past that depressing time of year between the end of summer and the full onset of autumn. I'm a summer person. I miss it when it's gone.

I want to keep chickens. A friend put me onto this website which provides organic chickens and an "Eglu" in which to keep them. What do chickens eat? Are they expensive? Do you need a cockeral to make them lay eggs? I was thinking they are good pets because you can eat them if you get bored with them.

The above was typed yesterday, Tuesday, but various incidents prevented me from publishing it.

I actually did some chicken research last night and discovered that the website above is offering the complete kit, hen house, run, feeders, sun shade, 2 chickens, 10 weeks of food, book about how to keep chickens, deleivery, installation, and crash couurse, for £400. I thought it was expensive, but I still wanted to do it. The dragon thought I was quite mad and still hadn't stopped laughing when I left for work this morning. She's probably right, there are more important things to spend our money on.

Here's something that kept me awake last night...

A man can run 10 times faster than a tortoise. They decide to have a race and the man gives the tortoise 100m head start. The man runs 100m, and in that time the tortoise runs 10m, so the tortoise is then 10m in front of the man. The man runs 10m more, and in that time the tortoise runs 1m. So the tortoise is then 1m in front of the man. So the man runs another 1m and the tortoise runs 10cm. The tortoise is then 10 cm in front of the man.

The man is never going to catch the tortoise. How can that be? I can actually provide a solution of sorts to this paradox. But it still bothers me.

Yesterday at Prime Minister's Question Time the leader of the opposition was prevented from asking the PM who he would like to see succeed him as leader of the labour party. The speaker of the house, Michael Martin, claimed Dvaid Cameron had no right to ask the question. David Cameron then reworded the question and asked the PM who he would like to see as the next PM. Bear in mind that Tony Blair has pledged to resign before the next election and therefore the next leader of the labour party and the next PM are going to be the same person. The speaker allowed the re-phrased question.

For the record, the PM didn't really anser the question anyway. He praised the work of the chancellor, which could be taken as a sign that he will eventually support Gordon Brown. They clearly laoth each other however, so it couild go either way.

In other news: The little chap started saying "dada" over and over today, which might mean "Daddy", or something, or indeed nothing, but it made me quite excited.


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