Thursday, October 19, 2006

I predict...

Dumpy has to go for his vaccinations today. He's had quite a few already, but they've changed the regime and he is now destined to have soem catch-up shots. It's meningitis today. The Dragon has to take him up to the surgery by herself because I am working. She doesn't have a British driving licence, so she has to walk. It's not far, but it's not nice if it's raining. We got her an international driving licence ast time we were in Taiwan and I've said we will go out in the car this weekend to practice. She'll need to pass a British test to drive here after the first year of residence as far as I can tell. She's scared, but it'll be an adventure.

I've mentioned here a few times about Jane Longhurst. She died during a rough sex session a couple of years ago. Her boyfriend was found guilty of murder and jailed. I always said it was an unsafe conviction. It was as much misadventure as anything else. I'm quite sure it was an accident. I was particularly disgusted with Longhurst's mother who tried very hard to paint a very negative picture of the guy and started a campaign to try and ban porn. It was ill thought out at best. Anyway, the guy has gone back to court an appeal and had the conviction overturned. A victory for common sense. Now that's two triumphs in two days. Yesterday my prediction about no water on the moon came to fruittion, and today my unsafe conviction was overturned. I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

A new invisibility cloak has been built by a US British team of scientist, or so the headline would have us believe. In fact, all that has happened is that a device has been built that can steer microwaves around itself and then shoot them out the other side as if there was no obstruction. It's the basis for a cloaking device, but it's a long way from perfect. It's not even working in the right spectrum. Exciting though isn't it.Click.

There is an article on the BBC website claiming that Al Qaeda has become more organised over the last five years, is operating a cell structure in UK, and that UK is now the number one target. I want to believe this just because I want to blame Tony Blair. Well I do believe Blair and his idiot friend George have made the world a more dangerous place with theie soldire games, but I can't say I believe Al Qaeda has anythign to do with it. I think Al Qaeda was just a bunch of crusty radicals that got lucky once. I'm almost certain bin Laden is dead, and I don't think we have any reason to believe any of the terrorist attacks since 9/11 have been truly Al Qada planned projects.

The BBC article makes lots of wild claims about how things are apparently operating now and how 7 July bombings were just the start, but it really doesn't give any facts, sources, or reasoning. I have come to the conclusion that muslim terrorism hasn't changed very much since 9/11. It's still tiny unconnected groups with common goals acting independently. The only real difference is that they have become more active, buoyed by the success of their fellows. Click.

I just had an idea. I'm going to write a list of predictions. Since I got two right this week already, I feel strong. Watch this space.


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