Thursday, October 05, 2006

Snot and Coughing

This week seems to have gone quite quickly. It's Friday tomorrow and I should start to think about what to do with the weekend. The little guy has still got lots of snot and he's coughing. He's causing his mother a lot of worry. It's clinic day tomorrow thougha nd he'll go see the health visitor if it's not tipping down with rain.

Today Tesco is in trouble because the consumer magazine Which? discovered that their new self service tills at the supermarkets around the country have a security flaw. The BBC claims that theives are able to steal cash from the tills, but reading the report this turns out to be completely wrong. The tills allow shoppers to scan their own goods and then pay by swiping their bank card through the machine. You can't pay with cash. Apparently however, you don't need to know the pin number for the card to use it, so cloned and stolen cards can be used.

I'd say that a bigger flaw was the fact that shoppers don't need to scan everything through the machine before swiping their card, which means they can of course scarper with free items. I personally never use the service at Tesco because it seems to take longer than the conventional tills as it is forever breaking down mid way through transactions. I say breaking down, I think it could be pilot error, but one frequently sees people looking embarrassed, waiting for techie help with a queue of people tapping their feet behind them.

Jack Straw appears to have put his size nines in it with some comment about muslim women and veils. He apparently thinks they should remove the veils in the interest of better relations. I'd say women should remove the veils if they want to. I have to say I hate seeing women in veils because it makes me think they are forced to do it. I do of course realise that this is not the case. It just seems as though no one would wear something that unflattering voluntarily. And they really are unflattering you know. But I am not a politician and I can say these things without caring.

I'm going to go to bed. I'll write more tomorrow.


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