Thursday, September 21, 2006

I hope I'm still interested at 95

Thought for the day...

Is the Pope still considered "infalible" by Catholics? If so, doesn't that make an apology impossible? He can't make mistakes if he is infalible can he?

Security around the Home Sectretary is being tightened after a known fundamentalist Muslim managed to disrupt a speech he was making yesterday. I can't make myself care. I think the fundamentalist is a nutter, and I think Reid is a corrupt Tony Toady.

The big news today is that the little chap is 6 months old. Seems like only yesterday that he popped out. He's found his appetite again this week. Today he ate half a pair, some rice, and a special baby biscuit. He's also on big boy formula milk for babies over 6 months. I am especiallypleased about this because it's cheaper than his baby milk.

I just read a story about a 95 year old man who has been let off after being caught kerb crawling. The first thing that strikes me as odd here is that kerb crawling is not illegal, it never has been, so what exactly was he let off from? Secondly, reading the article further, it says, "During the six-month crackdown, police arrested 40 men in the town and 35 will be attending a rehabilitation course". What the @*$$!? Are they trying to "cure" men of sexual desire? This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

The most worrying statement however is, "Police said that if a man was found kerb-crawling a letter could be sent to the licence holder of the vehicle, which could turn out to be his wife or employer". Even if it wasn't for the bad punctuation in that sentence, and the fact that there is no such thing as a vehicle licence int his country, I'd still be fuming. Are they saying that anyone seen in a slow moving vehicle risks having their wife or boss receivie a letter acusing them of using prostitutes? What happened to innocent until proven guilty?

A man has been arrested concerning the death of a young woman just a few minutes from the very house where I am typing this. Great, I live a few hundred meters from a murder site. I suppose I should be pleased they have arrested someone. The post mortem apparently suggested that she died from a fall from a building. I guess they think she was pushed. Click.

Right, notihng else to write about. Going to bed.


At 1:33 am, Blogger Richard said...

Mugging and murder?

Time to move to Oxford....?

At 3:44 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hrm.. It seems as though that article was poorly written across the board. The title itself is misleading. It seems to me the actual bust was for solicitation.. Is that the same as kerb crawling? Since I'm not familiar with that term, I'm not sure. Solicitation is the act of picking up a woman with the intent of having some sort of sex in exchange for money.. The act itself doesn't have to actually occur however. Is solicitation illegal and how is it different than kerb crawling? Just wondered.. Tried an internet search and that did NOT go well.. ::blush::


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