Thursday, September 14, 2006


The big news today is that my son appears to be growing his first teeth. There hasn't been much excitment with his development for a few weeks now. I think the last milestone was starting solid food, and that was weeks ago. Yesterday however I put my fingers in his mouth (after washing them of course) and felt a definite scratch. He has just learnt to drink from his special cup with a spout, and we noticed yesterday that he's even managed to put teeth marks in that. Like I said, terribly exciting.

We had a monsoon today. I wore my hat to walk to the train station this morning. My umbrella was a victim of the 9-11 incident. I must buy another one. I have received my new bank card, but not tried it yet. That was fast. I reported it stolen at 7.08pm on Monday, and I had a new one in the mail Wednesday morning.

It's been a long week, but it's drawing to a close. I'll be glad when it's over. This weekend we have no plans yet, other than to buy a matress. The current one is old and was used by the tennants when I rented the house out. It's never seemed quite right to sleep on it, and it's lumpy. I need to get my Father a birthday present too. I have no idea what to get him. Maybe a stripper.

Someone apparently died today and it caused all the trains to be delayed when I went home. It actually didn't matter very much because I just caught one at about the same time as usual that should have been there 30 minutes previously. It wasn't made clear whether the fatality was the result of someone throwing themselves beneath a train, or something else. It did cause some chaos however.

Wait, I just found the story on the BBC web site. Apparently a man suspected of killing a woman in Ealing was hit by a train and died at a West London station. Well there you have it. It is selfish to throw yourself under a train to commit suicide I think. Not only does the poor train driver have to watch you bounce off the window in front of him, you make everyone late.


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