Last night I dreamt about Sept 18th being a Monday. Now I almost never dream, so I felt it was significant. In fact, I don't know whether this really counts as a dream beacuse I can only remember that 18 Sept being a Monday was significant, nothing else. Anyway, I was so surprised that I remembered anything at all, I checked the calendar, and Sept 18th is a Monday. So I think it cold be a prophecy.

This weekend the weather was mediocre, so we didn't really go out anywhere. We did finally get around to going out for dinner at the Pagoda Palace here in Sunny Swindon. It was good, expensive, but good, and our son was as good as gold. This was in celelbration of my first paycheque.

We also went to the Swindon outlet village yesterday. That almost didn't happen because one of my achingly funny jokes backfired and I was in the dog house with the dragon for several hours. I held the baby up so that it looked like he was suspended in mid air, looking round the door at the dragon cleaning her teeth. This seemingly hysterical jape however frightened the hell out of my wife and landed me in trouble. Sorry darling.
I have to mention < ahref=>Steve Irwin, who died today after a fight with a sting ray. Now, I don't want to sound flippant here because I liked Steve and his family must be having a rough time right now, but there's no getting away from the fact that the guy was a nutter and it was always going to be some dangerous animal that finished him off. I'm slightly surprised he wasn't eaten by a huge reptile, but I think a sting ray was a suitable substitute. Perhaps he'd have liked to go that way, I like to think so.
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