Friday, August 18, 2006

Dawn of a New Era

So tomorrow is clothes optional day at the Abbey House Gardens. We were thinking of going, but it looks like the weather is going to mean that nudity is unlikely, in which case, might as well just walk around naked at home for a couple of hours.

We're actually going to Ddevon for the weekend in celebration of the parents' 40th wedding anniversary. I've been trying to get hold of my brother to ask him to pick up a gift from friend Eugenie on the way, but he's strangely in unreachable now. I'm looking forward to the weekend anyway.

The boy got weighed today and has made it to 6.4kg. That's up 300g from two weeks ago. He's also grwon 2cm taller since we last measured him, but I can't remember how long ago that was. He's looking forward to seeing Grandma and Grandpa too.

Today marks the end of my first week at work since mid July. The strain is probably showing. I'm feeling pretty worn out, but it's good to be earning. They provide free coffee at my office, which might not be such a good thing. I'm caffine wired. On Monday I have to go to the London office for the day.

I started listening to the Escape Pod SF story today and my battery died about two minutes into it. How unlucky is that? I recommend this pod cast to anyone interested in short fiction. They've just launched a more adult horror fiction pod cast that I intend to investigate next week.

In other news, the chiming clock in our dining room has stopped and doesn't seem to want to go again. I actually bought it for an old girlfriend years ago. She never liked it (she never had any taste) and it consequently has bad memories for me. So I'm treating this as a good sign in disguise. I know my father has another chiming clock that he wanted to give us. He has hundreds of the damn things. So I'm going to tray and bring it back this weekend and start a new era in this house.

OK, tune in Monday and I'll tell you whether we went to the naturist day at the Abbey House Gardens.


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