Friday, August 04, 2006

Interview tip

Well I got a job offer today, and it's a good salary, an interesting position, not too far from home, so I don't have to relocate. It felt like everything just fell into place this morning.

I had the interview on Wednesday, they liked me and asked me back yesterday, and today they made an offer. I think the interview yesterday was the clincher. As I was waiting for the interview to begin, I noticed that one of my socks was on inside out. I'm anal about that type of thing and I desperately wanted to changed it, but there was no time, so I had to go through the entire second interview with one sock on inside out. I think it swung it for me.

The agency called me this morning and asked me how it went. I thought it was just a follow up call, but after I started telling them how it went he told me they'd made an offer. It came out of nowhere because I wasn't expecting it until Monday or Tuesday.

So today the pressure lifted. I feel like a better husband and father, and all is right with the world. Actually, saying that could be tempting fate. I haven't got the confirming letter yet. It could still go tits up.

In other news, I had my interview at the benefit office today and I still don't know if I can claim anything for being out of work. I think I can, but they now need the dragon's passport for some reason. They have also scheduled my next meeting to clash with a dentist appointment. I've been trying all day to reschedule it, but they just put me on hold. I went back to the office to try and see someone, but they appeared unable to help either. Gimps. I'll try again Monday.

The little guy had his weekly weigh-in and came it at over 6kg for the first time.

We were going to go to White Horse Hill this afternoon but it rained and we aborted the mission. Tomorrow we are planning an excursion to Oxford. The new job is near Oxford and the long term plan may be to relocate. We shall see.

And on that note I will leave you for today.


At 12:00 am, Blogger Richard said...


Oxford is very nice. The longer you wait before moving there, the longer you will have to live in Swin-don.

At 11:26 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new job! well done! (i wonder if it's anywhere in Abingdon? ;-) ) just curious, you know...


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