Today was the day of the Swindon Mela. I didn't actually know what a Mela was, but it appears to be an Indian festival. There is quite aa large Asian community here and it was a pretty good day. There was much dressing up.

And traditional Indian stalls selling all kinds of stuff.

And even traditional Indian style ice cream.

We had a good day. There was food to be eaten, beer to be drunk, and much to be seen. Friends Pete and Ruth came with us with their kids. Apparently this festival happens every year, but I disn't knw about it. I have been away fro some time though.
Regarding Abby's comment about cows' milk for children under 12 months. All the literature I have suggests that it won't actually do any harm to give young children cows' milk, but if you do, you have to find another way of giving them the iron they need, because cows' milk doesn't have enough and formula milk does, as does brest milk of course. Children over 6 months require iron because the store they are born with runs out. See how you learn stuff when you become a parent.
I want to mention Lost in Translation. I saw this film for the first time yesterday. I was expecting to like it, and I did to a certain extent, but I've decided it's over rated. The story is very simple, two very different people meet by chance and learn something about themselves through the friendship they make. It's been done squillions of times before, Harold and Maud, Nottinghill, Karate Kid, Basic Instinct, and I could go on. Not all these films are bad, but not many are really great. I thought Lost in Translation made a fair attempt at the basic idea, but it did drag here and there, and the trendy steady-cam style got very wearing after a while. I'll give it 5/10.
Finally, just a quick mention of a story in the news about two child rapists who have escaped from prison and are currently at large. I say escaped, but more accurately they walked out of an open prison. I don't know whether open prisons exist anywhere else in the world, but they are not secure buildings. They are places in which prisoners are housed, but prisoners can walk out if they want. If they do they will be put in a secure establishment. The idea is that non dangerous criminals are put in these places. So, why are child rapists in there? Words fail me.
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