Tuesday, June 27, 2006


OK, today I feel cynical...

Dickie says I should look into "An Inconvenient Truth". I don't really know very much about this, but it's something to do with Al Gore and his crusade against greenhouse effect isn' it? Sorry, but I don't think Al Gore has any credibility as a climate scientist. He recently questioned how anyone could doubt the existance of global warming when New York summers were so hot. Now there's a man who really understands the issue. He also recently made some statement claiming that the balance had tipped too far in favour of personal liberty, or words to that effect. I loath and despise the guy for that alone, and I wouldn't buy into anything he endorced even if I thought he did have a point. Just reading the blurb from that link Dickie left, he seems to think that Global Warming is a "moral" issue. Funny how he only found his moral crusade only after his political career took a nosedive isn't it?

"Humanity is sitting on a ticking time bomb. If the vast majority of the world's scientists are right, we have just ten years to avert a major catastrophe that could send our entire planet into a tail-spin of epic destruction involving extreme weather, floods, droughts, epidemics and killer heat waves beyond anything we have ever experienced." Is that a quote from Gore himself?, I found it here and it's rubbish. Where did he get 10 years from? I read only yesterday that half of the last 6 million years was several degrees warmer than today. It didn't end in the apocolypse did it? During the last three warm (interglacial) periods (all within the last 3 million years), temperatures at high latitudes were as much as 5 degrees warmer than today's. No runaway global warming though. Where does he get his data?

Pardon my mirth, but an American politician taking the moral high ground on environmental issues; can anyone else see the irony here?


Surely no one could have been very surprised when Johnathan Ross asked David Cameron if he'd had any schoolboy fantasies about Mrs Thatcher, could they? That's what Johnathan Ross does, he asks purile questions in an effort to embarrass his guests and titilate his audience. It's a cheap ploy, and it beats me why people fall about laughing, but it's there for everyone to see. I'm in no doubt that Cameron was expecting it. Although I haven't seen the footage, I understand he batted it away without rising to it.

It seems to me that everyone should be happy. Cameron got the exposure he wanted without getting into a flap, and Ross got his cheap laugh. Yet still Cameron is being slammed for his decision to appear on the show. And no one seems to care that Ross, currently rumoured to have signed a 3 year contract with the BBC worth £18 million, is using 30 year old jokes borrowed from people like Ben Elton and Rick Mayall.


I've just read that J K Rowling is to kill off two characters in the final book. She also mentioned that she can understand why some authors kill central characters to prevent them from being resurrected in the future. I still reckon Ginny Weasley is to die.


At 1:59 am, Blogger Richard said...

I shall not pardon your mirth until you've seen the film.

I'd consider "apocalypse" to be a relative term (especially in the biblical context). In the last 6 million years I'm sure that there have been plenty of events, local or more widespread, that would have been considered apocalyptic to the residents of the planet at the time. Ice age, anyone?

As for Gore and his moral crusade and how it relates to his political career, he's apparently been banging on about this topic for the past couple of decades. One school of thought here suggests that it's part of a build-up to him running for president in 2008.

At the risk of fanning the flames, I'd have thought that these days you'd be approaching these things from the more cautious perspective of a father, rather than a cynic anyway.


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