Tuesday, June 20, 2006


I feel better today. I actually got 7 hours of unbroken sleep last night. I genuinely can't remember the last time that happened. I'm looking forward to a few days off.

England have to play Sweden today and need only to draw to finish top of their group I'm told. Apparently however England haven't beaten Sweden for about a decade. I wonder what time the match is. I've noticed that football matches affect the traffic.

A Modigliani portrait has just sold for £16 million. I wonder whether the film made a difference to the price. I can't say I really understand art, but I know this portrait and it just looks childish to me. I can't see anything in it. The film was good by the way. Particularly interesting is the scene in which Modigliani enters the big art contest and taunts Picasso, who has no choice but to enter also. It's like a bull fight. I know that sounds weird, but if you see it, you'll know what I mean.

Did I mention that I got my first ever fathers' day card from my son on Sunday? I think his mother may have helped him with it. It had pictures of Jaguar cars all over it.

I want to know when the next Harry Potter book will be released. It has been speculated that it will be released on 7 July next year. That would be book 7, realeased on 07/07/07. I'm not sure if I can wait that long however. I may give JK a call. I guess the realease must still be quite some way off since no announcement has yet been made to my knowledge. Apparently HP books are always released in June or July and on a Saturday, and 07/07/07 is a Saturday. That's a gift for the marketing department isn't it?


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