Friday, June 09, 2006


A comment yesterday, apparently from China, suggests that my statements about the Da Vinci Code film being banned and the Google main site being blocked in China, were wrong. I admit that I didn't list my source for this information, but for the record, both stories were reported by the BBC:

Main Google site blocked by China.
Da Vinci Code film banned by China.

Ironically, if my anonymous noter is in China he/she may not be able to use those links because the Great Firewall apparently also blocks BBC reports. But if he/she would like to leave me another note, I can arrange a transcript of the reports. It is true however that I didn't call anyone in China to verify the claims made by the BBC and, though I tend to trust the BBC without question, it may be wrong in this case.

The little guy had a last feed at 11pm last night and didn't get us up until 4.30 this morning. It gets just a little better every day. Or maybe we just get a little more tired and don't hear his screaming. If I can get back in time today, we're going to take him for his weigh-in at the health clinic. He hasn't been weighed for about three weeks and he's a bit of a fat lump now.

Yesterday I noticed that fuel at my local supermarket was slightly more expensive than the fuel at my local service station, so I made a note to buy it on my way to work this morning at the service station. However, this morning the service station had run out of diesel and unleaded petrol, so I had to pay motorway prices because the supermarket hadn't opened. And here we have a valuable lesson in life. When the opportunity arises, it should be grasped. I should have bought the cheap stuff yesterday. Think of the people on the Titanic that turned away the sweet trolley.

We actually have real tomatoes growing on the plants in the conservatory now. I may bring you all pictures of this at some point. We also have a fierce crop of chillis. I repotted the chilli trees this week because they had outgrown the original 15cm pots. They seem to be thriving again. I've been feeding them tomato plant food. They seem to like it. I can't believe how much root they have. I thought a 15 cm pot would be fine.


At 2:04 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate it when they block certain things for no reason.
But in the BBC case, I think MAYBE they do have a reason. As far as I know, they don't block CNN.
It was not the first time that BBC has reported something about China that was not true. We all make mistakes, but if that mistake was made intentionally, that's another story.
No offence, just don't know why BBC keeps doing that.


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