Tuesday, May 23, 2006

15 minutes

There is a job in Poole, DOrset which looks like it might be what I am looking for. I don't know whether I'll be lucky, but I've thrown my hat in the ring. It's on the south coast. It's a nice area with a nature reserve and one of the most famous nudist beaches in the country. It would mean relocating, but I officially hate Swindon and the dragon says that she wouldn't mind moving.

I bought a rat trap again yesterday and the torrential rain appears to have stopped, so I may set it tonight. I haven't seen the rat for a day or two, but maybe he was just put off by the rain. Apparently peanut butter is a good bait to use in rat traps, so I am going to have a go with that. I'll bring you a report and pictures if the hunt is successful. I'm also going to bring youpictures of the recycled cot tonight since it should be dry and ready to assemble.

I made it into the paper yesterday. There is a small picture of me and some quotes, completely out of context, that make me sound like a loony nazi. It's still quite cool to see myself in the paper however. The reporter asked me if I thought it was a good idea to let victims have a say in when criminals are releas3ed from prison. I don't have a problem with this. Someone has to decide when to let people out, and I'd say victims probably have more right than anyone else. It does turn it into a revenge thing, as my father pointed out. But I personally don't have a problem with that either. If revenge makes the victims feel better, then what's wrong with it? It would extend sentences I'm sure, but that might well help improve the public perception of the home office and prison service which is currently not good. I did also tell the reporter that we could definitely stop people reoffending by bringing back the death penalty, but that wasn't printed.


At 11:02 pm, Blogger Richard said...

Studland is the beach you mention...I have been there, once, yonks ago with an ex girlfriend (Jenni). All in all it was a pretty surreal experience. Lots of old naked men playing frisbee with their clothed wives as I recall.

It's definitely a deficiency of the Western condition that most people don't lose their inhibitions about nudity until their naked body is more eyesore than beauty.


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