Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Feeling Strong

Currently I'm working on a temporary contract. It's OK but I haven't been paid for 6 weeks due to a cock up, not of my doing. It seems that the company for whom I work pays the agency for my time, the agency takes their cut, and then passes what's left to me. They can't pass it directly to me however. I have to work for an umbrella company, who then pay me. I could set up my own company and miss out the umbrella thing, but I've done that before and it's just asking for trouble. There is a problem between the agency and my umbrella comapny however. It's the agency's fault, they're idiots. I threatened to walk out and take legal advice this morning, and lo and behold, it looks like I've been paid. I feel strong.

I made legs for the new reclaimed cot yesterday. I was quite pleased with myself. I need to buy nuts and bolts tonight to affix all the pieces together. Then we have a cot, net cost £2.99 for the wood, and whatever the cost of 8 nuts and bolts is. The dragon wants to paint it. It's her artist training. To be honest, and I think I mentioned this yesterday, the cot only costs £22.50 new from IKEA, but we made it. Isn't that something? I'm going to put pictures of it here when it's finished.

I just got a call from a recruitment agency and I have an interview on Friday. It's not a great job and the pay is not good, but it's nice to be offered an interview. I think I'll go along and see what it's about. With any luck I will also be offered some other interviews. I've also been asked to stay at the current contract until almost the end of June. I don't really want to, but I will if nothing else comes along.

It's a slow news day I think. I can't find anything that I want to talk about.


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