Well voting is underway in England now. The Labour party is geared up for an embarrassing result, but at least one political commentator yesterday expressed some admiration for the way Blair faced the situiation at PMs questions. I didn't think he performed very well. He blamed everyone else for the balls up his own government have made, and then acted like he was angry that anyone could think otherwise. There is a feeling that Blair will be reshuffling his cabinet after the results come in and that Clarke, Prescott, and Hewitt will be casualties. There is also a question about who will be brought in to replace these clowns, since there are very few able ministers left now that haven't already been disgraced in some way. I wonder if he'll try and bring Blunkett back again.
I should be voting today, but I got so angry with the electoral role people while trying to vote from abroad that I simply didn't bother this time. I know, shameful, but there you go. I was half hoping that I would get voting papers for the previous tennants of my house, but I haven't, so I can't use those. It's probably treason or something anyway.
I've just read that yet another cabinet minister, this time Peter Hain, Welsh secretary, is in trouble. He's been accused of offering the Late Peter Law MP a peerage in exchange for not standing for election against Labour. Law died last week and became something of a celebrity when he left the Labour party and stood for election as an independent candidate against the Labour party and won.
A Picasso painting has just sold in New York for over $95 million. Silly money, it's just a painting. I t was sold to an anonymous buyer which strikes me as odd. There are pictures of this man, who apparently has $100 million spare, and no one knows who he is. I suppose he could be a representative of Bill Gates or something.
I've just heard that Sky TV is intending to remake the Prisoner series from the 60s. I was a fan, though I'm not quite old enough to have seen the original run from 1967, which ran for 17 episodes. I think a remake would be very dangerous. No one has ever really been able to quite fully explain the Prisoner, and I think trying to remake it will probably be a total disaster. The only way to save it would be to draft in Patrick McGoohan who was apparently the only person who really understood what was going on in the original. I say don't do it. On a side note, I've never seen the final episode and I think I need to get that from somewhere before I watch the new remake. I will watch the remake, but I think I'll hate it.
Apparently a 63 year old British woman is about to become the oldest woman to give birth in Britain. I can't say I have any strong feelings, but judging by the comments made, many people do. I'd question whether a 63 year old woman is fit enough. I'm 38 and completely shagged out. The little soldier only got us up once last night however and I'm hoping this is a turning point.

Wayne and I had an interesting discussion about The Prisoner once, specifically the opening sequence and the use of words where he asks "Who is Number One" and the reply is "You are number Six." We always wondered about that wording.. Did he just mean that he was number six or had they been saying from the start that he was number one, all along.. Something interesting to wrap one's brain around..
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