Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Well it's Tuesday and this is the first new entry since last Thursday. I did attempt to write a Friday entry, but it just didn't happen. We went to the health clinic on Friday afternoon and time ran short. Baby Angus is now over 3.7 kg. Yesterday was of course a bank holiday. I almost didn't realise that it was a holiday in fact. Luckily I didn't drive all the way here yesterday only to turn back.

I've had a stroke of luck. I went to the coffee machine and found that someone had left £1 in there. I did have an attack of conscience, but I really couldn't see who it belonged to. I did try. So I thought I should give it to charity. Then I thought I should maybe buy a lottery ticket. I figure a lottery ticket is a good option because it goes to good causes anyway, and it gives me the chance of winning huge amounts of cash. So I'm thinking about it. It's on my desk looking at me as I type this.

I've come to the conclusion that Tony Blair is attempting to keep his cabinet together until after the local elections on Thursday. That could backfire on him. He really wouldn't want Charles Clarke or John Prescott to leave office on the morning of the elections. It would seem however that both Prescott and Clarke are going to have to work very hard to keep their jobs. I think Clarke's position in particular looks untennable. New allegations about Prescott's private life were splashed over the weekend papers however, and that won't help his case. It must be pretty horrible being his wife right now.

David Blaine is starting his week long stunt in a glass ball. I'm not impressed with this. I don't see that it's very difficult to scuba dive for a week. Even the world record breath holding attempt at the end isn't as incredible as it could be. I'm guessing he's going to be breathing an oxygen rich mixture, which means he can last longer than someone breathing air. We're told that he has purged his system so that he won't have to, well crap, while he's in there. We're also told that he'll be fed through a tube however, which makes me think that this is redundant, and also makes me wonder how he's going to stage manage his waste disposal. There has to be some right? Anyway, I won't be staying up to watch this one.

Apparently Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones has left hospital. He was apparently treated for concussion after falling out of a coconut tree. Details appear to be sketchy but I'm willing to bet there were some controlled substances at work here. What's a man that age doing up a tree?


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