Thursday, April 20, 2006

Don't let the bastards out

The government has today announced tough new measures to prevent people released early from prison "on licence" from reoffending. This has been prompted by a plethora of prisoners, recently released early, who have proceded to rape and pilage as soon as they set foot out of chokey. The tough new measures mean that released prisoners are closely supervised and reoffenders get whisked straight back to chokey as soon as they put a foot out of line. Funny, I thought that was what was supposed to happen under the tough old measures. We're promised by Charles Clarke however that these tough new measures will prevent people from reoffending. I can't see how exactly since they don't really come into effect until after an offence has taken place. I've been thinking about this and come to a different conclusion. It's very simple actually. To ensure that prisoners don't reoffend for the duration of their sentence DON'T LET THE BASTARDS OUT!

World famous hypocrit George Bush has been giving Chinese president Hu JinTao the five star treatment at the Whitehouse. I've just seen his speech and he didn't even mention human rights abuses. I've just read that he was however heckled from the crowd, which is really good to hear. I look forward to seeing the footage.

I made a point of watching the BBC programme yesterday evening about Paul and Heather McCartney and their personal battle with the fur trade. I honestly couldn't care less about animals being slaughtered for fur, but I had to see what Sir Paul was bitching about. His main worry seems to be that there is now footage in existance of dogs and cats being used for fur in China. I can't see why this is any worse than using fox, mink, or anything else, and it wasn't really explained. The lack of material evidence for any of these dog or cat furs actually existing outside China was also conspicuous by its absence. Again I have to say that I was astounded by the fact that Sir Paul feels so strongly about the Chinese fur trade that he refuses to play China, but failed to even mention the apalling civil rights abuses taking place there, the occupation of Tibet, the Tiannamen Square issue, or the constant bullying of Taiwan. Dogs and cats are obviously far more important.

Talking of animal rights, someone with real balls by the name of David Taylor, has started up an on-line petition to show support for responsible use of animals in medical testing. I signed electronically this morning and there were 900 odd people already signed up. Two hours later I checked back again and the number had gone up to over 1,400. I urge everyone to go have a look and consider adding their name.

Pete Doherty has managed to avoid prison yet again today for drugs offences. God knows how, it's not a first offence and it wasn't trivial drugs we're talking about. It still annoys me that someone with so much talent and potential can throw his life away like this, but maybe I just don't understand. The fans still showed up to support him it seems.

I think the dragon has a sore throat, and I'm not sure whether I have too. Tomorrow is Friday however, and that means we can have a rest. I fed the baby at 10pm last night. He woke up again at 1, then 3 (my turn again), and finally 5am. I do hope this isn't going to go on too long. Friend Ruth says that her baby was sleeping through the night from 6 weeks. I wish mine would.


At 3:37 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

11695 people have signed the petition by now (the time when I've signed it too) looking good!


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