Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Life changing events affot

I've been silent for a couple of days because life changing events have been afoot. The dragon woke me at 6am Monday to tell me her waters had broken. So we took her to the hospital after breakfast. They kept her in all day and she went into labour at about 1am Tuesday. By 9.15am I was a daddy.

Here is a picture.

Despite the fact that he put in a slightly early appearance, everything went very well. The dragon lost control of her English ability when she was giving birth. I think the pethadin may have played a part in that. The first thing she said when she realised it was over was, "He's so cute, I want to have another one".

In case you are interested, he came out at just under 3 kg and has a mass of black hair. I think he has an Asian nose and western eyes, but like all newborn babies, he looks like Chairman Mao.

I'll do a proper page of pictures when I get a moment. This would already be prepared if he'd come when expected. I'm sure that all this isn't as important to you as it is to me, but I wanted to spread a little of my happiness.

I'll get back to my usual prolific drivel as soon as possible.


At 10:20 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! He is so cute indeed, and so is his mommy :-)
it seems that someone have been too impatient to get out into this world ;-) Glad that everything went well for all three of you...
Once again - Congratulations!
*And now you finally have to make your choice of the name :-p

At 2:55 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my.. The cutest ever. And that mop of hair! I don't think I remember ever seeing a picture of the dragon before.. You must tell her that birth agrees with her. She looks lovely, glowing and all that cliche pregnant/new birth stuff. Cute baby, beautiful mommy.. Oh.. And then there's Dad.. ::teasing::

At 2:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...still no sign...must've been little prince taking up all your time...:-)
be well, all of you


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