Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Glowing red

We're having trouble choosing a name for the baby. We should have this sorted out by now I realise, but we haven't. I think the problem is that the dragon doesn't really understand western naming conventions and I'm just, well eccentric. I like "Humphrey" because it means "peace" and Humphrey Bogart was cool, as is Humphrey Littleton. However, I seem to be the only person in existance who does like it. I also like Nelson, but even I can see that I can't choose that for him. What do you people out there think of "Sanders"? I think it sounds quite posh and it means son of Alexander, which is my name. It's a bit out there isn't it. I also like "Maddox" but it doesn't have a good meaning (son of the lord). I like Maddock less, but it has a better meaning (champion, good fortune). Other names I thought were nice were Oliver, Angus, Argus, Grumpy, Sleepy, and Sneezy.

Like an idiot I managed to pour boiling water over my hand last night and it now glows red. I'll probably survive. I was preparing a hot water bottle for the dragon. It eases the back pain you see. Note to self, do not attempt hot water bottle preparation in dark again.

I don't think the TENS machine is the destroyer of worlds Andrew. I wouldn't claim it was a relaxing passtime, but then, neither is giving birth. I can't believe it's 16C in Ontario. My thermometer said 5C when I looked on Sunday. I thought Canada was cold.

I had a stroke of luck this morning. The window washer on the car has been out of action for a week or so, and today it just came back to life. It must have been a blockage. I was prepared to replace the pump. Actually I couldn't find the pump when I looked. It seems to be hidden in the wheel arch somewhere. So it's lucky that I didn't dismantle everything to remove it. Little things like this please me.

I heard recently that despite 12% of the world population claiming to be agnostic or atheist, more than 99% of US prisoners claim to belong to a recognised religious faith, while around 90% of Nobel prize winners claim to have no faith at all. I don't know how true this is, and it would take quite a bit of research to confirm these figures. But I so hope it's true. I've always been annoyed by Christians who tell me that I can't have a moral life without religion. It would be great to toss back a statistic that suggests that 90% of Nobel winners are without morals.

I got a note from Dickie somewhat dismayed that I used the word "cute" in the last entry. I concede that it's not a word that I would generally use, but my brain is preoccupied with my impending fatherhood these days and I think there was a certain sarcasm in the usage yesterday. I think the "cute" in question refered to the clock I mounted in the nursery. In fact I think the jpg file is titled "FunkyClock" so I hope that is more in keeping with my usual style.

I might have mentioned that my sister in law is now running an establishment somewhere between bar and tea shop in Taipei. I have visited and I can recommend it if you find yourself in the Taipei area. This week it actually made the national press in Taiwan. So, if you find yourself in Yongkang street, give it a try, mention my name and you might even get a free beer.


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