Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Thick snow

I left Swindon this morning. It was cold and frosty but no snow. I got to Chepstow and there was a light dusting of icing-sugar snow on the hills. I get to Newport and it's 10cm thick. I guess that means if any more comes I'll have to go home early. It's not snowing now.

My brother called last night. He lives next door to a transexual. This has given my brother much politically incorrect comedy material. In fact, my brother and his friend "Big Dunc" claim to be the bread in a transvestite sandwhich. They live on each side of "Julie-Bob" it seems. The jokes were getting a bit stale however, until last night. Apparently "Julie-Bob" has found a boyfriend. Not only that, but he's German. I had to endure about 10 minutes stand-up over the phone last night which ended with "I hate the bloody Germans. They bombed my Grandma". It almost made me feel sorry for "Julie-Bob".

Tessa Jowell is stil in very deep smeg indeed. I think this all hedges on whether her husband is found to have taken a bribe. It doesn't look good however. Currently he has admitted receiving a "gift". He has said that it was nothing to do with Berlusconi however. It seems to have come through some organisation in the Bahamas. It all sounds very suspicious. Ms Jowell has essentially claimed that her husband asked her to sign something and she did so without realising what it was. It doesn't sound very likely to me that an educated woman like herself would sign a document to pay off a mortgage without asking what it was. Besides, I don't think ignorance is much of a defence here. She's a cabinet minister, she can't be seen signing things without knowing what they are. She hasn't gone yet anyway. Did I predict that she would resign yesterday? I will move the prediction to the next 24 hours.


At 10:42 pm, Blogger Richard said...

Snow in March? That can't be natural.

Photos please...


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