Friday, February 17, 2006

Sooo tired

I found my sunglasses! I found them while looking for my cell phone. They were down the side of the seat in the car. I swear I already looked there about 50 times, but there they were. And the cell phone showed up too. That was in the pocket of my bath robe. I'd never have found that if I hadn't called it and listened for the ring. I have no idea how it got there, but I knew I had it on the way home last night because I called the dragon to say I'd be late. The sunglasses must have been there during the time the catalytic converter was being repaired.

And that's another story; I was late home yesterday because they closed the entry lane to the motorway and I had to drive into bloody Cardiff to get on the M4. God knows what they were doing but it causewd traffic mayhem last night during rush hour.

The dragon, who is now very pregnant, is having trouble sleeping due to back pain and leg cramps. This in turn affects my sleep and, for the second day in a row I feel like a zombie sitting here at my desk. It's not her fault, and the worst thing is, I have no idea how to help her.

I've been meaning to mention that James "The Amazing" Randi is recovering from heart bypass surgery. This man is something of a hero to me and I just want to wish him well. I should also mention that Shelly Rudman, who comes from near my home in Wiltshire, has walked off with the first British Olympic medal. She came from nowhere to win silver for skeleton bob sleigh. No idea what that is, but well done Shelly.

That's all for now. Half day at work today. I'm off to Devon for the weekend.


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